Brian Kahn Inc

Addressing minority shareholder oppression: Effective remedies

Being a minority shareholder can leave you powerless in situations where decisions are made against your wishes. Most Memorandums of Incorporation (MOIs) typically require a 75% majority vote for special resolutions to pass, regardless of your dissent. This scenario can lead to feelings of oppression and unfair prejudice. The word oppressed was derived from the […]

Analysis of important recent cases

A recent judgment by a full bench of the Kwazulu-Natal High Court has revitalized the debate whether an amendment to a pleading should be allowed if the claim, as amended, has prescribed. In Heramoney Salligram and Others v Nalin Salligram and Others, [2019] ZAKZPHC 63 (20 September 2019), the court was presented with a case […]

Joint ownership: How do I terminate without the co-operation of the other joint owner?

Nature of joint ownership: Joint owners own undivided shares in the property which they own jointly. Consequently, the joint owners cannot divide the joint property while the joint ownership remains in existence, and a joint owner also cannot alienate the property or a part thereof without the consent of the other joint owner. The rights […]

Determining the grounds for informed consent

If a person gives consent without acknowledging, understanding and considering their rights beforehand, is their consent legal and permissible in court? In eviction proceedings, it is questioned whether the granted eviction order may be cancelled after the unlawful occupiers had allegedly consented to it. Occupiers of erven 87 & 88 Berea v Christiaan Frederick De […]

What is the sequestration process?

The sequestration process involves a court application. The applicant in the application is either yourself for your own sequestration (voluntary surrender) or the applicant is one of your creditors (either a friendly or aggressive creditor). The applications are similar and although there are some different requirements for each, the result is the same. Voluntary surrender Voluntary surrender […]