Brian Kahn Inc

What’s the buzz about business rescue?

If a company/close corporation is in financial trouble and all possible avenues to save the business have been exhausted, there is one last option available to save the business: it can lodge an application for business rescue at the CIPC. In order to qualify for business rescue proceedings, the business must satisfy the requirements as […]

Offshore companies and doing business in South Africa – A companies act perspective

According to the most recent statistics released by the South African Revenue Service, South Africa remains a net importer of goods and services. Put differently, one could say that South Africans are more often clients in cross-border transactions than they would be the service provider. Many of our clients operate in this space, including foreign […]

Company Slogans: How much of it is Intellectual Property?

Slogans are key elements in advertising campaigns as brand owners hope that the public will associate the slogan with their products or services and, therefore, to their brand. For this reason, the question of protection is of high importance. What is a trade mark? A slogan is a short phrase or a sentence that a […]

How to rescue your business

Is your company experiencing financial strain? Are creditors breathing down your neck? Business Rescue proceedings may be a solution to your problems. Business Rescue is an approach that is governed by the Companies Act 71 of 2008 (“the new Companies Act”) with the aim of assisting companies which are experiencing financial strain and are unable […]

What’s the buzz about business rescue?

If a company/close corporation is in financial trouble and all possible avenues to save the business have been exhausted, there is one last option available to save the business: it can lodge an application for business rescue at the CIPC. In order to qualify for business rescue proceedings, the business must satisfy the requirements as […]

How to register a new company

The basic steps to register a company under the Companies Act of 2008 at the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) involves certain forms and supporting documentation that must be lodged and the accompanied fees paid. The steps The first step in registering a new company is optional. A CoR9.1 form must be completed and […]

Requirements to restore a deregistered company

There are various circumstances in which a company (or close corporation) can become deregistered at the CIPC. 1. The company itself can apply for deregistration at the CIPC, for any number of reasons. 2. If a company has not submitted and paid its annual returns for more than two successive years, the CIPC will inform […]

Does your business need a liquor licence?

Liquor manufacturers and suppliers require a liquor license, as regulated by the National Liquor Authority. If your liquor registration has been cancelled you cannot continue to trade. Trading without a license is an offence punishable by law. What is the National Liquor Authority? The National Liquor Authority is a regulatory body within the Department of […]