Lost your original title deed? What do you do?
Before the transfer takes place, the owner (seller) must make a written application to the registrar of deeds, requesting a certificate of the registered title (CRT) of the land in terms of Section 38 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937. The application must be accompanied by an affidavit attested to by the owner […]
How do I register a trust?
A trust is an agreement between the person who owns the assets and the appointed trustees. A trust can be a good way to preserve your wealth for your family and children. A well-managed trust will make sure that anyone who is a beneficiary of the trust benefits from it. The trustees have the important […]
Trustees’ duties and powers
All the powers of a trustee are ‘fiduciary’, which means that they must be exercised as follows: in the best interests of all the beneficiaries; only for the benefit of the beneficiaries and not for third parties; not for the trustees’ benefit, unless specifically authorised; and not to defeat the terms of the trust, but […]
Interest free loans and trusts
The recent introduction of section 7C to the Income Tax Act brought the taxation of trusts, and the funding thereof specifically, under the spotlight again. Briefly, section 7C seeks to levy donations tax on loans owing by trusts to connected parties (typically beneficiaries or the companies they control). To the extent that interest is not charged, […]
Trust litigation – Who can institute a claim and which court has jurisdiction?
This article deals with the questions of who can institute litigation on behalf of a trust, as well as with the question of how jurisdiction is determined with regards to trusts. Who can institute a claim? A trust is not a legal person and cannot litigate in its own name. The trustees play a vital […]
The benefits of creating a trust
Trusts are well-known to facilitate effective estate planning and continuity planning strategies. That said, setting up a trust – whether an inter vivos (between the living) or a testamentary (created in a will) − should be carefully considered and not just implemented blindly. The difference between testamentary and inter vivos trusts A testamentary trust is […]
How do I register a trust?
A trust is an agreement between the person who owns the assets and the appointed trustees. A trust can be a good way to preserve your wealth for your family and children. A well-managed trust will make sure that anyone who is a beneficiary of the trust benefits from it. The trustees have the important […]